The Parrot Entertainment Magazine
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9-5 Monday - Friday
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Located in the Winn Dixie Plaza
About Us
The Parrot is the go-to publication for all the fun! Available in print from Englewood to Pine Island and every place in between along with our on-line edition. Read locally and worldwide!
Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Kristen Randolph
The Parrot Entertainment Magazine has been in non stop circulation since April 1st 2007
It has been our privilege to be part of this community for almost two decades and even though The Parrot is full of fun and jokes we take our presence in this wonderful place seriously. Donating our time and effort to local causes and charities to help bring us together has been an ongoing labor of love all these years.
So... the next time your out and need a little pick-me-up, grab a copy of The Parrot or read us online for free with NO pop ups or ads!
We've been and continue to be the most fun you can have with your clothes on in Florida.

It has been our privilege to be part of this community for almost two decades and even though The Parrot is full of fun and jokes we take our presence in this wonderful place seriously. Donating our time and effort to local causes and charities to help bring us together has been an ongoing labor of love all these years.
So... the next time your out and need a little pick-me-up, grab a copy of The Parrot or read us online for free with NO pop ups or ads!
We've been and continue to be the most fun you can have with your clothes on in Florida.

Kristen Randolph
- Cell Phone: (941) 323-4110