Spinal Health and Rehab Integrative Medicine
ChiropractorsHealth & Wellness
Mon Wed 9am - 1pm /3pm - 7pm
Tues AM by Appt
Thurs 1pm - 5pm
Fri 9am-12pm 3-6pm
Sat by appt
About Us
Located in the heart of Punta Gorda, the leading health professionals at Spinal Health & Rehab are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives -- combining skill and expertise that spans the entire chiropractic wellness spectrum. Dr. Kevin Van Nostrand is committed to bringing you better health and a better way of life by teaching and practicing the true principles of chiropractic wellness care.
Patients seeking treatment at Spinal Health & Rehab with Dr. Kevin Van Nostrand are assured of receiving only the finest quality care through the use of modern chiropractic equipment and technology. Dr. Kevin Van Nostrand and the staff have a genuine concern for your well-being!
At Spinal Health & Rehab, we take great pride in providing the finest chiropractic wellness care to our patients. Below is a sampling of the different chiropractic services we offer in our Punta Gorda office.
Chiropractic Care
Nutritional Counseling
Corrective Exercises
Spinal & Postural Screenings
Lifestyle Advice
Chiropractic Care
We provide advanced spinal correction utilizing ''state of the art'' chiropractic techniques. Never in the history of chiropractic have we been able to provide the level of help and expertise that now exists. These newer correction methods are even safer, more comfortable and more effective than ever before.
- Chiropractic Care
- Nutritional Counseling
- Corrective Exercises
- Spinal & Postural Screenings
- Lifestyle Advice

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