Granny Nannies Home Care
Care Management/Home Health CareHealth CareHome Health AgencyHome Health CareHomeMaker Companions for AdultsNon-Medical Home HealthRespite CareSenior CareSenior Resource
Phones answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Office hours: 8:30a-5:00p
Driving Directions:
4055 Tamiami Trail, Suite A6
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
About Us
Granny NANNIES is a home care agency committed to providing the highest quality of compassionate caregivers to its clients who are seeking independent living in the comfort of their own homes or other suitable environment.
Granny NANNIES has earned its sterling reputation by providing superior caregivers, consistently, and at an affordable rate, while continuously striving to exceed the expectations of our clients.
Granny NANNIES is dedicated to ensuring you receive the home care you or a loved one require and deserve. Whether you need short-term care, long-term care, or something in-between, caregivers are available 24 hours a day.
Senior Home Care
As our loved ones age health conditions and age related illness become more common and requires some form of long-term care. Professional private duty caregivers specializing in helping aging seniors maintain an independent lifestyle in the comfort of their own home. Learn more
Alzheimer's Care
Living with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia is challenging and will require professionals who specialize in Alzheimer’s care. Having the care of a private caregiver can benefit not only the patient but entire family, friends, relatives and loved ones. Learn more
Accident or Surgery Recovery
Recovering patients are frequently discharged from a hospital with the recommendation that they obtain assisted home care from a private duty nurse. A professional caregiver can help ensure a quick successful recovery. Learn more
Hospice Care
Stroke Recovery Care
24 Hour Home Care